Hi! I’m Lisa, a 25-year old reader, writer, amateur designer, dog and chicken-lover, and aspiring tiny house/mini farm owner. In the last few years I’ve moved from Memphis to Knoxville to Jackson, and now I've landed in Nashville, TN. It's been a big adjustment, but part of my motivation for this blog is to find my way in this new environment. I’m trying to soak up the city experience while I can as I hope to spend most of the rest of my life in the country. 

I am a self-proclaimed nerd—I love to read and have a Bachelor's in English Literature, so I will frequently feature book reviews and suggestions on the site. Other topics of interest that may make their way to this space include new discoveries in the city, personal experiences and thoughts, my attempts at a more simple and natural lifestyle, and any other information that may be worth sharing. 

Thanks for stopping by!